Revive Pilates

Visit me in Mississauga for a healing treatment. Learn more about each of my healing treatments below.

  • Using a custom blend of essential oils, this full body massage works with Thai meridian lines and the soft tissue of the body. Typically the massage starts with you face down and the major energy centres are attuned. Then I work the back, shoulders and neck and then move to legs and feet. Next, you will flip around on the massage table and beginning with the legs and feet will move up the body, and each arm, ending with face and head.

    Learn more about the benefits of a Body Meridian Massage here!

  • EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques is a powerful therapy that combines Mind Body Medicine and Acupuncture (without needles).

    EFT is an emotional version of acupuncture where we stimulate certain meridian points by tapping on them with our fingertips. Properly done, this can reduce the healing process from months or years down to hours or minutes. And, since emotional stress can contribute to pain, disease and physical ailments, we often find that EFT provides astonishing physical relief and amazing results.

    Learn more about the benefits of the Emotional Freedom Technique here!

  • A typical Indian head massage treatment, usually starts with the application of oils to the upper back, working into the shoulders working around the shoulder blade as these areas hold a lot of tension. Following this, flowing motions will move up the neck massaging and stretching to relieve any stress and tension. Finally, oil is applied to the scalp and is then massaged along the acupressure points on the head, followed up by the forehead and the area around the eyes. In a longer session arms are also massaged. You will feel very calm, relaxed and blissful.

    Learn more about the benefits of an Indian Head Massage here!

  • Microcurrent Point Stimulation (MPS) has been a remarkable success in the fight against chronic pain. The results are impressive, by using this approach substantial relief from pain may often occur in the first or second treatment. Most patients require 2-10 treatments for permanent results, with some chronic patients requiring ongoing treatments at home.

    Learn more about the benefits of Microcurrent Point Simulation here!

  • The slightest restriction in the elaborate matrix of fascia can have major repercussions from one end of the body to the other. A simple scar from a childhood accident to major surgery can have a lifelong effect both physically and mentally. It can also restrict movement or function anywhere in the body from a joint to an organ. Fortunately, releasing scars yields powerful results that can prevent a lifetime of compensation, complications and pain.

    Learn more about the benefits of Scar Tissue Release Therapy here!

  • The work is done on a mat on the floor traditionally, or on a massage table with the client in comfortable clothing.

    In a typical session, a balm is applied and a variety of hand techniques such as palm movements, stretches, circular motions, thumb and bamboo stick pressure is applied to the lower legs and feet are stretched to open Sen (energy). Then specific pressure points, which stem from 10 major energy lines that run throughout the body, are stimulated. These pressure points provide a map of the entire body and organs. Through skillful manipulation of the soles of the feet, Thai foot massage helps the body restore its own natural healthy balance.

    Learn more about the benefits of Thai Foot Reflexology here!

  • The work is done on a mat on the floor traditionally, or on a massage table with the client in comfortable clothing.

    During a session, in a meditative state, I gracefully guide you through a variety of yoga-like postures that can be safely modified to be as gentle or intense to suit your needs, using my hands, forearms, elbows, knees, and feet to compress and palpate the muscles of the body. You could be lying on your back (supine), stomach (prone), side-lying, inverted or seated. Throughout the treatment, rhythmic rocking and targeted acupressure techniques are used to replenish energy stores and lull you into a blissful state of relaxation.

    Learn more about the benefits of Thai Yoga Massage here!

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